Connecting people was the main idea behind the discovery of different social-media platforms.
It has made so easier to access interent then ever before.The use of social-media took a peak in this pandemic times, although it helped many poeple but along with that it also took a wild face when it came to spreading fake news in the name of religion, Corona-spread and spreading hatred.
Along with that it caused health retardation and misuse of technology and we are exposed to this day by day, time to time.
Studies shows that age group of 12-21 access social media more than any other group.
The social-media provides us easy updates of latest trends, our artists life and also what our peers are doing.
But, where does it turned ? It has made us immune to being able to contact someone with just a tap of a screen, that we can have an entire conversation with someone in the same room as us without saying one word.
We prefer to see our friends' post than to rather see them for real and instead of calling or talking to them we have opted for an option to send them emojis or GIFs or stickers online.
Why this social media has become our first priority than our close one's psycological health?
Why there is so rush to show yourself, which you are not originally?
Why can't we be wild with our thoughts or just be what we are originally and not bother what other's think ?
Why today's youth is suffering from how the next person will judge me ?
I have seen many youth getting easily attracted or influenced to change their appreances by comparing themselves to the next person.
Many of the youths are infact cyberbullied, gone for drugs or other addictions, chosed the path of depression and then sucidal.
Why this Depression, Anxiety is the product of addiction of social-media ?
Are social-media friends 'Real Friends'?
Why can't we feel to make some close friends than making millions of virtual friends who actually doesn't care if we live or die ?
Along, with these the social media has also presented with a lot of physical issues like Headaches, stomachaches.
What is a perfect image means according to you ?
Teens are so conscious about their appreances in social media that they face hyper tension when they get expected 'likes','comments' or 'shares' for their posts. along, with these they have adapted a unnatural lifestyle causing higher risk of eating disorders and many more damages.
Is it important to have a picture with high makeup and well dressed branded clothes for some likes or fake responses.
Sleep Depreviation !!!!! This social media has caused insomiac, disruption of body's ability to produce melatonin, which ultimately causes sleep-depreviation.
This has caused substance abuse, risk-taking behavior while reducing emotional regulation skills.
In summary, this digital has enough damaged up.
So, keep down your phone and so the 'Digital Detox'.
Analyse your true happiness and your close one's happiness.
I soon, will be releasing a next enlightening blog on "Digital detox".
Till then, think where we are laking.
Thanks and Regards.